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Mindful March: Day 20 to 22


Day 20

Celebrate success!
We’re often very good at celebrating the success of others, but aren’t always as good at doing the same for ourselves. Today we’re going to invite you to praise yourself for something you recently did well, or feel proud or pleased about.

How to do it
Reflect on the last week (or longer if necessary) and bring to mind something you felt you did well, or felt proud or pleased about. Perhaps remembering the last time someone complimented you on something. See if you can stay with that good feeling for at least thirty seconds. Notice where you feel it in your body. Stay with any positive thoughts, but as much as possible focus on the feelings generated when you are able to praise yourself and recognise a job well done.

● When was the last time you celebrated something in this way?
● Did you notice any resistance to doing this? Perhaps you thought it was vain or arrogant to celebrate something. Don’t worry if that was the case – we can often find it easier to celebrate others’ achievements easier than our own. But if we can focus on some of the small positive things we do every day, it can make a difference to our feelings of wellbeing. Everyone deserves a bit of praise – even you.

Day 21

Mindful music
In modern life, there’s often a soundtrack around, or we might have music on in the background but not really notice it. Today we’re going to invite you to find some music you really enjoy and spend some time giving it your full attention.

How to do it
Put some music on that usually makes you feel positive. Spend some time listening to it without doing any other activity. Notice what happens in your body as you listen – perhaps you might get an urge to move along with the music! Let yourself do whatever feels good.

● How was it to just listen to the song?
● Did it feel different to focus just on the music and nothing else?
● Did any memories come to mind with your song?
● Were there any particularly bodily sensations that you noticed?
● How do you feel now, afterwards?

Day 22

Think of someone you haven’t seen or spoken to for some time. Spend a few moments thinking about them – what you like about them, and how you feel when you’re with them. Send them some good wishes – silently repeating “I wish you health, peace and happiness”. You might feel inspired to contact them in real life too after this.

● How did it feel to think about this person?
● Was it tricky to bring them to mind?
● Did it inspire you to get in contact with them?
● Did thinking about them in this way make you feel more or less connected to them?

Find out more about Mindful March.


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