Aashni’s Story: Connecting with nature

My favourite outdoor space is Hulme Community Garden Centre.
I’ve only recently discovered it since they were shut during the lockdown, but I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. The space has such fresh air and positive vibes, I could spend the whole day there. It’s like a retreat in-between all the city noise. They’ve also got great plants to buy and a small café with vegan treats.
It’s an ideal space to clear your mind and feel grounded in nature.
When you’re living away from friends and family, you can often feel a sense of disconnect, something I experienced even more during the lockdown. However, being out in the nature, even if it’s just a short walk in the park, makes me feel connected, to myself and to something bigger. I feel grounded, supported, like someone’s got my back and I’m not in this alone… I’ve got the birds and daffodils right there to remind me how beautiful it is to be alive.
Aashni, Fundraising Officer
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