World Kindness Day – Saturday 13 November – Gracie

Saturday 13 November is World Kindness Day and we are proud to share news of two outstanding local supporters, who we feel deserve a special mention…
The first charity superstar who we wish to celebrate is Gracie, who at only 10 years old, decided to save her pocket money to buy a giant teddy. The cuddly bear was the central inspiration for her charity competition last month, where for a small donation anyone could “guess the bear’s name” and have a chance to win the furry friend. This brilliant activity was so successful that Gracie raised over £500 in aid of our local mental health services in just a few weeks! Samuel was secret teddy’s name and he has now found his forever home.
We are truly touched not only by Gracie’s imaginative support of our charity, but for her empathic and caring ways – she decided to support Manchester Mind due to her Dad’s own struggles, which she poignantly wrote about in her letter, which you can read here. Thank you Gracie for wanting to help others through with your generosity and kindness, you’re a real shining star. If you wish to support Gracie today, leaving her a kind message please visit her fundraising page