Saira’s Story: No longer stuck in a bubble

I always feel excited to come here, its cosy and comfy.
Before I came into contact with Manchester Mind I had been struggling with my mental health for a long while. It felt like I was stuck in bubble that I couldn’t get out of. I was feeling depressed, my mood was low, I felt like was stuck in one place and I couldn’t see any improvement or how to get out.
My GP recommended I attend counselling to help with my mental health. They recommended YASP, which is now CYP. I used to come to CYP every week for counselling and it helped me leave my house. Whenever I got depressed I would isolate myself at home but going to the sessions pushed me to get out the house during the days I didn’t want to go. It really helped me with my mental health, my mood and it helped me feel less depressed. Sharing how I felt made me feel much better, it was good to talk to someone other than my family. Also, from there I was recommended to mentoring and even though I have only had a few sessions it has been really good. It is really helpful, supportive and allowed me to have a friendly chat about anything and everything. It feels like having a friend.
Manchester Mind has helped me to socialise. Before I wasn’t very sociable, I didn’t want to talk to people or be around people. But coming to Manchester Mind made me more sociable, it makes me want to talk to people more.
This has allowed me to be able to get out of the bubble, I was able to get out of the house. Before I wasn’t able to get out as much as I do now and that has really helped as my confidence and self-esteem is better now.
I see myself as a different person to the way I was before. I see improvement in myself, my mood is more cheerful and I am feeling happier. I always feel excited to come here, its cosy and comfy.
Everyone here is very supportive, helpful and friendly. It’s helped me so much and I have seen that there is a massive improvement in my mental health. It’s so supportive, they are with you step by step. Its definitely the best service. It feels like a second home.
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