Manchester Mind

Call us on: 0161 769 5732

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Counselling is a way for you to talk about your problems and to find new ways to cope. Our service is free for anyone aged 18 to 25 who lives in Manchester.

About our counselling service

Counselling is a way for you to talk about your problems and to find new ways to cope. Some of our counsellors are qualified, others are in training. They will help you talk about your problems and the difficulties you have experienced in a safe, supportive and confidential environment.

How we can help you

Our service is free for anyone aged 18-25 who lives in Manchester. Lots of people find counselling helpful.

Counselling can help you with the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Difficult life experiences
  • Panic attacks
  • Struggling to cope
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hearing voices
  • Unwanted thoughts
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

We have also helped people who are coping with difficult things that have happened (e.g. having to leave home, the end of a relationship, bullying, bereavement and abuse).

Counselling is not about giving you advice or trying to persuade you round to the counsellors’ point of view, nor is it just a friendly chat discussing the week’s events as you would with a friend.

The counsellor tries to help you to understand yourself and others and will work to help you to find your own solutions.

Our counsellors are here during the week.

Please note that our counselling service is delivered by trainee counsellors who are undertaking their counselling qualification. We also have some volunteer qualified counsellors.  All trainee and qualified volunteer counsellors are supervised by an external counselling supervisor. All trainee counsellors have been assessed with a ‘Fitness to Practice’ certificate by their education provider to be competent to provide counselling sessions.

To find out more about our counselling service call us on 0161 769 5732.

I used to get panic attacks when I was with only three or four people. I gained so much confidence by coming to Manchester Mind that I was able to perform jujitsu in front of 1500 people at a competition. Imagine that!


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Manchester Mind are here for the people of Manchester and have been delivering services to support you for nearly 35 years.

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