Manchester Mind

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Food For All: Annual Review 2021 – 2022

Recipe bag meal

The Food For All Team have also offered recipe kits to people – they are planned and put together by our chefs Nima, Dionne and Verity. The kits contain all the ingredients and instructions for how to cook a simple, healthy meal. The idea is to help people to develop the confidence to cook healthily for themselves and their family. This idea emerged from people who told us that they enjoyed the ready to heat meals and would also like to cook for themselves but didn’t know where to start.

Most people report that using the kits improves their cooking confidence and gets them back into a routine of preparing food from fresh.

One person commented that the help they had received was supporting their recovery: “I would like to thank Manchester Mind, supporting me with all these little acts is making me believe I am getting better”

The simple act of cooking a meal for yourself, can be a huge step and contribute to improved mental health.

“The service is amazing you are all so polite, I like that you don’t ring my buzzer because it sets off my PTSD and that you phone instead.”

“the recipe kits gave me a confidence boost because I have not cooked in a long time.”

“my confidence has increased, it has benefitted my cooking skills and my mental health”

“making the easy recipes gave me something to focus on so were very good for my mental health”

Find out more about our Food For All sessions and our allotment.


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