Emergency Food Response Update

Since the start of the pandemic our teams have been turning food donations from Fareshare into hundreds of home-cooked meals, on average producing over 1500 meals per week for those experiencing food poverty.
This week we achieved 60% of our £10,000 fundraising target to help us with this vital work.
That is an amazing
Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated and to everyone who has volunteered their time to help us in the kitchen and on our allotment.
Our work continues and this week we have saved 90kg of food previously destined to be waste, including a staggering…
- 25kg potatoes
- 25kg chicken
- 10kg rice
- 7kg squash
- 5kg tomatoes
- 5kg peppers
- 5kg turkey
- 4kg sausages
- 3kg onions
- 1kg beetroot stems
Our Autumn larder now contains an abundance of vacuum packed foods, which together with our community allotment produce, and fresh goods bought using kind donations made to our food appeal, can be turned into 250 nutritious healthy meals for vulnerable people in Manchester this month.
Find out more about the emergency food project here